About Servier CardioMedical Hub 

Servier Cardio medical hub is a global website for medical updates and events in cardiology with international expert speakers, live webinars, online learning on demand, congress symposia and updates on scientific evidence.   Some of the highlights and important information available are : 

  1. Discover upcoming virtual and live events in cardiology 
  1. Watch KOL symposium and webinar recordings 
  1. Access resources for advanced medical education 
  1. Get support in daily patient and practice management. 
  1. Keep up with the latest in e-health: apps and digital tools for your patients & daily practice 

The Servier Vein Academy website is developed to align with this philosophy. It provides one source of accessibility to evidence-based medical education in Phlebology and Proctology for all health care professionals by gathering scientific news, videos on hot topics, a library with books, slide-sets on anatomy, epidemiological, pathophysiological data, treatments, surgical techniques, etc to facilitate the educational development and knowledge sharing.  

The website is endorsed by an editorial chief and an editorial board composed of well-known international experts who provide their advice on the content of the website.